Kingly News

Though it will bore most of the world, here's a means of keeping track of what's happening with the King household.

Friday, October 25, 2002

Whew! What a day! Surviving so far, though. The graduate class was great--refreshingly so, considering how tired I was going into it.

We're really looking forward to getting in the house. Zach was an amazingly good worker today--no whining or complaining, took only two break, both of reasonable length, and went back to work without complaining. He didn't get angry a single time that I could remember (neither did I). He wants to get into his new, bigger room, and he wants to get it arranged just right so that he can keep it looking nice, like it does now.

We're also greatly pleased to have my mom coming down. There will be a lot of adjustments, but I think it will be good for her and good for us, too. I wish we had Dad with us too, but that's not the way it worked out (for those who know us but don't know that development, he passed away on August 26).


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