Kingly News

Though it will bore most of the world, here's a means of keeping track of what's happening with the King household.

Friday, January 31, 2003

The ultrasounds were pretty clear on Tuesday's visit. In fact, we have two to share today.

It may be a little hard to see, but this little girl is tumbling, and she has her knees next to her nose and her feet way back over her head! Can you imagine being that limber?

We turned this one to make it easier to tell what's happening. She's facing the "camera" and has her left hand up like she's waving at us.

We're hoping the perinatal specialist will have an ultrasound machine that has a higher resolution that will show three strands to the cord. Hannah's growth and size and activity and everything would seem to suggest that she's doing OK, but we will worry until we find out.

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Went to the doctor yesterday, and got some new "pitchers," which I'll post soon. But when we went back to get an update on Janet's bloodpressure, they said that we need to see a perinatal specialist. Seems Hannah's umbilical cord only has two strands, when it should have three. We'll post updates on that situation as we know about it.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

It has taken me a few days to get the new picture up (we started a new semester at the college where I teach), but here's the latest one. Isn't she purty? Everything seems to be there.
posted by Unknown @ 1/23/2003 12:25:00 PM 0 comments

Friday, January 03, 2003

It's been over a month since I last posted, but it's been a very busy month. We finally got the last of the stuff out of the old house on Wednesday. We figure it will take about six months to get everything arranged now. It's like living in a warehouse.

Good news, though. We went to the doctor today for that ultrasound, and we're almost certain that the baby will be a girl! So we've settled on Hannah Emily King for her name. The ultrasound looks good--everything looks normal and healthy, and she's exactly the size she's supposed to be for this stage (21 weeks, 3 days). I have a scan of the ultrasound that shows her face--I'll post a picture here before long.

Wondering who of our friends are actually seeing this. Drop me or Janet an e-mail to let us know. No e-mail address posting here, though, since the spammers are in full rut, it seems.