Kingly News

Though it will bore most of the world, here's a means of keeping track of what's happening with the King household.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Good news and bad news

First, the good news.

I had really meant to update before this, but it has been a rather hectic month. More details on this later, but I wanted to mention that we were on the radio yesterday to help raise money for East Tennessee Children's Hospital. Star 102.1 does a radiothon every year, and the Children's Home Health folks asked us to be one of the families interviewed. Hannah didn't have much to say, so I did most of the talking (I got Janet to say three words, I think).

We'll have some pictures to post here as well. Because there will be several of them, and because some of our readers are on dial-ups, we will disable the e-mail feature of the blog site before posting them. We'll just send out a brief e-mail to that list when the new pictures are up.

In fact, we'll probably just start sending a brief e-mail (along with a link) to the subscriber list to alert you to new content. That way you can come look when you want to without having to download the message before your e-mail client moves on.

Now for the bad news: Janet just called and is on the way to the hospital with Hannah. She went for her synagis shot, and while she was there they checked her oxygen and it was down to 85. She gets another trip in an ambulance; we'll see how long the hospital stay is this time. I think this is number 14.

I'll have the laptop with me, so I'll post something when we have some news.


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