Kingly News

Though it will bore most of the world, here's a means of keeping track of what's happening with the King household.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I can't believe it's been since June since we posted! There have been several things that have affected the blog, some of which friends have noticed.

1) Right after we posted the mid-June pictures, the server on which we housed them crashed. The text for the blog is on one server, and the pictures are on another (our main server). When the main server crashed, it took the pictures with it, leaving the text behind. Our server had to be restored from a backup a couple of days old--prior to our posting of the pictures, of course. We didn't think it would be a problem, because we could just restore the pictures from the hard drive of my personal computer. But then,

2) My personal computer died. The CPU fan went out, which caused the CPU to blow out, which blew the power supply and fried some other components. Of course, that's the computer the pictures were on. We have stayed so busy since that we haven't had time to even pull the hard drives out to see if they survived. So I don't know if we still have those pictures or not. When we get a chance, we'll check, and if they're still there, we'll put them on the server again. If they're not, the raw originals with the creative names like M04980478q.jpg are still on Janet's computer. We just have to dig them out of the hundreds of other photos, crop them, resize them, and fix the contrast, then name them to the same name that is already buried in the code on the blog and post them. I can do that during a commercial, of course. [sigh]

Seriously, we'll try to get some real news up here. A lot has happened with Hannah since June.


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