Kingly News

Though it will bore most of the world, here's a means of keeping track of what's happening with the King household.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Hannah hospitalized again

Hannah is back in the hospital again. In fact, I am writing this on a laptop from the hospital hooked up to a phone line, so I will make it brief (no one can call in while I am doing this).

On Wednesday she was having breathing challenges, lots of phlegm, a low-grade fever, and lethargy. Janet took her to the pediatrician, who told her to take Hannah to the ER at Children's Hospital. She has another urinary tract infection and something going on with her lungs, but she is responding to treatment (two IV antibiotics). She will be here at least until Monday, Jan. 3, at which time some urinary tract tests (such as an ultrasound to look at her kidneys) will be run.

She is doing much better today. We will be spending New Year's in the hospital.

Fortunately, we are in the new part of the hospital. Much more room, much nicer facilities--we even have a shower! Joy! It's funny how important the little things become.

I'll post updates as I have a chance.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Here's Hannah's first Santa picture. They really seemed to connect. Notice how they're gazing at each other. Unlike our other kids, Hannah had no fear of the Big Guy at all. Posted by Hello