Late news: Hannah home
I'm tardy posting this, because we've been playing catchup. But Hannah is home from the hospital--came home on Wednesday, in fact, late in the afternoon. Thursday and Friday were spent catching up on what had to be taken care of at home, and that pattern continues into today.
Janet's aunt is still at Blount Memorial, but in a regular room now instead of the CCU. She seems to be getting better, but still needs special care. The airline (US Airways) folks at McGhee Tyson were extremely helpful in taking care of changing the tickets so that Jo and Marianna can return home after the medical stuff is taken care of. We are now concerned about Jo getting her stuff in Florida taken care of--there is a deadline for FEMA stuff following the hurricanes.
Faculty report back to the college on Monday. Fortunately, I am not far behind because I was able to take a laptop to the hospital with Hannah and keep working. It takes much longer, though, because of having to jump up every few minutes and, for instance, suction Hannah's lungs. But at least it is possible to get it done, as long as I don't mind giving up little things like sleeping. :) Seriously, compared to earlier hospital stays, keeping up with work hasn't been too bad. My online classes are almost completely ready to go, and the editing on the book has moved along quite a bit as well.
Hannah feels well enough to be mad. I can hear her through the monitor squealing right now--better go get her next feedbag going.
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