Kingly News

Though it will bore most of the world, here's a means of keeping track of what's happening with the King household.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Update on Hannah: Still in hospital, but better

Thanks for your e-mails. We just wanted to let interested folks know that Hannah remains in the hospital, but she is doing much better. She coughed up a huge mucus plug yesterday, and her oxygen immediately shot up and her pulse dropped--both very good things. She continues to produce a lot of , well, I suppose the technical term is "snot." But it's no longer the color of something you would expect to see on Nickelodeon.

Today she pooped her diaper, and needed a wheelbarrow to finish. I'm afraid it caused her quite some pain, but when she finished she conked out and slept for an hour and a half--quite a relief, evidently. Her pulse dropped yet again, so I think she solved another problem she was having that we didn't even know about. The nurse, who saw it and said, "Oh... my... God," just brought in some Benefiber to add to her formula to try to keep that from happening again. Bless her little narrow hiney, it was like passing an entire raw potato. No warning, either, because she's been having dirty diapers all along. We don't know where this one came from, unless she's been sneaking out and going to Krystal or something.

We expect her to be in the hospital until at least Monday, at which point she will have some urinary tract exams and possibly a bronchoscopy if she has not cleared up by tomorrow on some of her lung stuff.


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